In Rambling

Wherein I Have a Mental Break Down

Okay, so things are definitely a mess around here. I've been trying to sort out the design, make my blog look a little prettier than that terrible basic template it came with.

But I have to admit to myself, I'm no blog designer. And this is proof. I'll admit, okay, it looks better. A lot of the links don't work however and it's nothing really special.

How do you amazing bloggers do it? Every blog I see looks so gorgeous. They make it look like this stuff should be easy, but it's definitely not.

Anyway, I just wanted to quickly come on here and explain. Especially as it's probably going to be like this for a little while as Christmas is approaching faster than I feel comfortable.

I still have to buy a present for a couple people *cough* Navy *cough*. I will always admire those people who are so organised and have everything bought and wrapped by now. But I'm very bad at getting my act together and actually getting this stuff done.

Tomorrow I'll definitely have to go out and get this stuff sorted. And get the tree up. And the other decorations. And find the Christmas music albums. Yep, I'm totally prepared.

Fingers crossed I can get my butt into gear and get it all done in time.

Well I should stop sitting here rambling away while my cat tries to eat my hair. I should probably take the hint that she wants to eat and go get some work done myself.

If you have any advice for blog design, please tell me! I need all the help I can get.

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  1. Hi, Saylor!

    I just wanted to tell you that I totally relate to your post- I have no idea how people do it! Also; I would just like to say that your blog looks GORGEOUS. I love the design so much. <3 I am just terrible at blogging designing. It's just something I am not very good at and I just don't have the patience to do it. My best advice is to get a fellow blogger to do it for you! Some people charge for their services, some people don't. Or maybe ask a blogger who has designed their own site on how to make changes to your own blog. :) I hope that helped!

    xx Kenzie

    1. Awww, thanks! Your blog looks amazing. It's one of the most beautiful I know. Thanks so much for the advice.

  2. I am here not ready for Christmas either! I still have to buy gifts for a few people! Good luck with that all! (:

    Your blog looks great! You've got it!

    1. How does it always sneak up like that? I need to take ninja lessons from Christmas. Good luck to you. You've got this. We'll get it done in time!
