In Words

You Are My Best Friend...Oh, Sorry, I was Talking to my Cat

That warm purr grows in your throat as my hand sinks into your fur. I gently stroke the top of your head, wondering how you get softer every time I touch you.

I feel your body move under my fingers, as you crawl farther onto my lap, knocking my book out of my hands and onto the floor where it lies forgotten.

I smile, burying my face into your tiny body. Breathing in your soft scent. Tea tree oil, like the shampoo I washed you with yesterday.

Your claws open and close, gently needing into my leg. I can feel them pricking the skin beneath my jeans. But I don't move away, I just pull you closer, sucking in your warmth, your comfort, your never questioning love.

Who needs chocolate or a dog or even love when they have you? My favourite person in the world. My cat.

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