In Rambling

It's Never Too Late for Your Perfect Life

No words today. Sorry, I won't subject you to anymore of my writing for today. *listens to the sighs of relief* But I'm also sorry, because I'm in one of those moods where I need to rant.

It's almost the end of the year, which means looking back. And let me just say, there is nothing more depressing than that.

Everything has felt so busy, so rushed this year. I've had nearly no time. I've panicked that life has been passing me by without my even noticing it.

But looking back, I also feel like nothing has happened. Yes I was constantly busy, but I haven't gone anywhere. I didn't have those huge achievements or life changing events. It was all a bit the same.

It's scary to look back. To wonder 'am I making the most of my time of earth? Could I have done more?'

But to move forward we must look back, know who we are and where we come from. Then we can move on, using this knowledge to make better use of our future.

Yes, it's sad to see lost time, but I believe it's never too late. You can still go out there and do wonders. You can still change the world. Do big things.

It's never too late. Just because this year didn't work out how you'd have liked, doesn't mean your future is doomed. Go out there, make next year better. The best you've ever had.

Never stop striving to make your life better every single day.

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